Quadretto nascita


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Prezzo prodotto: 40,00 
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Quadretto nascita Stella

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oppure chiama al numero 327.1526260

Quadretto nascita Stella

5 recensioni per Quadretto nascita

  1. Valutato 5 su 5

    Linda Heyes

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in illud possit consequuntur pri. Pro vidit iriure id. Ex has gubergren hendrerit, duo ceteros habemus delicata no,

  2. Valutato 5 su 5

    Philip King

    Idque dolorum mandamus mei te. An nibh putant suavitate est, sea regione fabulas deterruisset cu.

  3. Valutato 3 su 5


    I am 6 feet tall and 220 lbs. This shirt fit me perfectly in the chest and shoulders. My only complaint is that it is so long! I like to wear polo shirts untucked. This shirt goes completely past my rear end. If I wore it with ordinary shorts, you probably wouldnt be able to see the shorts at all – completely hidden by the shirt. It needs to be 4 to 5 inches shorter in terms of length to suit me. I have many RL polo shirts, and this one is by far the longest. I dont understand why.

  4. Valutato 3 su 5

    Ervin Arlington

    The shirt was not the fabric I believed it to be. It says Classic Fit but was made like the older versions, not the soft cotton like my others. I don’t understand how the labels are the same but a completely different shirt. Oh well, stuck with it now.

  5. Valutato 5 su 5

    Patrick M. Newman

    Real authentic genuine quality however it fit me like an XL size when In fact Im L. Beware

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